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National FFA Officers Head Overseas

The 2023-2024 National FFA Officer Team recently took a trip overseas to Japan, where they participated in an international program in conjunction with the Future Farmers of Japan. The trip was made to strengthen a partnership that began in 1950.
This is the first time the national officer team has made the trip since COVID began in 2020. The officers spent six days in Japan and took part in several activities, including a briefing with Senior Agriculture Attaché Mark Wallace at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo. They also met with FFJ students at high schools in Tokyo and Osaka.
“It was so impactful to see how different, yet how similar, the world operates,” says National FFA Eastern Vice President Morgan Anderson of Ohio. “Culturally, the world is diverse, but one common factor that unites all of us is agriculture.” She added that we’re all working to feed the world.