Inmates Found Dead At Crow Wing County Jail

(Brainerd, MN) — An investigation is underway after an inmate was found dead at the Crow Wing County Jail in Brainerd. Authorities say the man was found unresponsive in his cell last night, after he was booked

Rosendale Looks To Keep Montana House Seat

(Helena, MT) — Matt Rosendale is going to try and hold on to his seat in the House of Representatives. The Montana Republican has not formally announced his campaign for Congress, but filed paperwork Saturday to run

MN DNR Announces Fishing Licenses On Sale

(Undated) — The new annual fishing licenses are on sale with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The 2024-25 variety goes into effect on March first. There’s a wide variety of available options. Some of the most

Senators Want a Strong Packers and Stockyards Act

Montana Democratic Senator Jon Tester and Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley wrote a letter asking colleagues to help assure the strong enforcement of the Packers and Stockyards Act. They’re asking other senators to oppose any policy rider in

Brazil, Argentina Crop Production Estimates Drop

Soybean production estimates for Argentina and Brazil, along with corn production estimates for Argentina, were lowered by agribusiness consultancy Agroconsult and the Rosario Grain Exchange. Brazil’s 2023-2024 soybean crop estimate was cut to 152.2 million metric tons

Trade Mission Highlights Benefits of Trading with Cuba

The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture recently led a trade mission to Cuba with the hopes of eventually improving trade between the two neighbors. NASDA CEO Ted McKinney talked about why they took a trade

Report Gives a Snapshot of 2023’s U.S. Lamb Market

Last year saw the smallest lamb crop on record with just 3.03 million head, but there were also some bright spots related to lamb imports and pricing. That’s according to the 2023 Sheep Industry Review, a checkoff-funded

Farmers Ask for Stability in Milk Prices

The American Farm Bureau and National Farmers Union sent a letter to USDA asking for stability in Class 1 milk prices. The letter asks Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack to issue an interim final decision to return the

Cattle on Feed Up Slightly in February

(WASHINGTON D.C.) — The latest Cattle on Feed Report from USDA showed slightly higher on feed numbers and placements that were lower, but maybe slightly above expectations. Cattle and calves on feed for the slaughter market in