Biofuel and Ag Groups Call on EPA to Issue E15 Emergency Waiver

Today, the Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy, National Corn Growers Association, American Farm Bureau Federation, National Farmers Union, and National Sorghum Producers sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calling on Administrator Michael Regan to act swiftly on an emergency waiver for E15 sales:
“New and ongoing conflicts across the globe continue to pose risks to the United States’ transportation energy supply. In addition to the conflict in Ukraine, now extending into its third year, the recent unrest and volatility in the Middle East present additional challenges to American energy security. In particular, attacks on shipping in the Red Sea have already had a disruptive effect on the transit of fuel in the region, raising the specter of constrained supply and increased gasoline prices at home,” wrote America’s top biofuel advocates.
To remedy the ongoing disruptions to global energy markets, stabilize gasoline prices for American consumers, and support domestic energy security, the authors urged EPA to quickly authorize the summer sale of gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol.
“The consumer cost savings that result from allowing the year-round sale of E15, even on a temporary basis, are well-established. As a result of the emergency waivers issued in 2022 and 2023, consumers choosing E15 experienced average cost savings of 10-30 cents per gallon, with some locations offering over $1 off per gallon,” they added.

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