Rising Gas Prices May Plateau Soon

After weeks of paying higher prices, those increases at the gas pump may be nearing a halt as refineries complete the transition from winter to summer gas blends. The changing fuel blends come with the changing seasons.

AMI Calls for Worker Protections at Beef Facilities

As the USDA issued a nationwide order requiring lactating dairy cows to test negative for HPAI before transport, the American Meat Institute says that properly prepared beef remains safe to eat. The Institute is asking the USDA

USDA Continues Investing in Rural High-Speed Broadband

USDA Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small announced that the agency is partnering with rural cooperatives, local organizations, and tribes to support more high-speed internet deployment in 11 states. USDA is awarding $5.2 million in cooperative agreements through

North Dakota Joins Other States In Methane Rule Lawsuit

(Bismarck, ND) — North Dakota is joining Montana, Texas, and Wyoming and is filing a lawsuit in North Dakota Federal District Court challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s methane pollution rule. That’s the rule that places a

FAA Awards $4-Million Grant To North Dakota Airports

(Grand Forks, ND) — The FAA has awarded a four-million-dollar grant to several airports in North Dakota. The Grand Forks Regional Airport, the Dickinson Municipal Airport, and the Cavalier Municipal Airport will all get money to rehabilitate

Petition Approved For Recreational Marijuana Measure

(Bismarck, ND) — The Secretary of State’s Office has approved the petition for legalizing recreational marijuana in North Dakota. This means supporters of the measure can start collecting signatures to get the proposal on the ballot. Proponents

Theodore Roosevelt National Park To Keep Wild Horses

(Medora, ND) — It’s official – the wild horses at Theodore Roosevelt National Park are here to stay. Senator John Hoeven announced the National Park Service’s decision to keep the horses on Thursday, which comes after a

Brookings Man Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

(Brookings, SD) — A preliminary hearing is scheduled for a Brookings man who is being charged with multiple counts of possession of child pornography. Minnehaha County court documents show that 27-year-old Cole Hennen “admitted” to possessing child