(WASHINGTON D.C.) – Minnesota Farm Bureau (MBFB) President Dan Glessing testified on March 26 before the U.S. House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, as part of its hearing – America Builds: How Trucking Supports American Communities.
“The success of American agriculture relies upon a robust, safe, and dependable transportation system,” Glessing stated. “The products we grow and raise must travel far beyond our farm gates to reach markets, processors, and consumers. That is why Congress needs to consider common sense solutions that address our supply chain shortfalls.”
During his testimony, President Glessing also addressed Farm Bureau’s continued support for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, National Highway Trust Fund fees, and continued exemptions for agriculture haulers. Video of the subcommittee hearing, starting with President Glessing’s testimony, is available here.
President Glessing testified alongside John Elliott, Executive Chairman of Load One; Lewie Pugh, Executive Vice President of Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association; Ryan Lindsey, Executive Vice President of Government Relations for CRH; and Cole Scandaglia, Senior Legislative Representative and Policy Advisor for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
About the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation
To ensure Minnesota’s agricultural vitality, the Minnesota Farm Bureau amplifies its members’ voices through engagement, grassroots advocacy and agricultural awareness. Learn more about our efforts as an advocate for our 31,000 members and 78 county and regional Farm Bureaus at www.fbmn.org.