Work Begins on S.D. Highway 47 in Central South Dakota

WINNER, S.D. – Preliminary construction work has begun on S.D. Highway 47 from Iona to Fort Thompson. This project will consist of asphalt concrete surfacing, pipe repair, and box culvert replacements.

This preliminary work will be completed utilizing shoulder closures as well as flaggers and a pilot car. The traveling public is asked to be alert through the work zone for workers and construction vehicles. Once preliminary work is completed, two box culverts will be replaced on Highway 47 followed by cold milling operations.

The prime contractor on this $21.2 million project is Spencer Quarries Inc., from Spencer, SD. The overall project completion date is November 2025.  

Featured Project Information:
Find additional information about this project on the SDDOT website at

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The mission of the South Dakota Department of Transportation is to provide a safe and efficient public transportation system. For the latest on road and weather conditions, road closures, construction work zones, commercial vehicle restrictions, and traffic incidents, please visit or dial 511. Read more about the innovative work of the SDDOT at

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