Legislature Pushes Through Bills as Session Clock Ticks Down

By Todd Epp, SDBA

PIERRE, S.D. (SDBA) — The South Dakota Legislature confronts a wall-to-wall schedule today (Wednesday)  with the 32nd legislative day leaving only six working days before final adjournment.

Committee rooms burst with activity from early morning through late afternoon as lawmakers race through the remaining bills in the 38-day session.

House State Affairs kicks off at 7:30 a.m. examining four Senate proposals, including controversial constitutional amendments SJR 503, which requires U.S. citizenship for voting, and SJR 505, which establishes an unclaimed property trust fund.

At 9 a.m., Senate State Affairs will consider six House bills focused on ballot measures. Three proposals would overhaul the initiative process, including HJR 5003, which would require 60 percent voter approval for constitutional amendments rather than the current simple majority.

At 10 a.m., the Senate Taxation holds a hearing on HB 1235, which would reduce limits on annual property tax revenue increases for certain taxing districts.

Meanwhile, the House Judiciary Committee is considering several bills. One is SB 164, which would crack down on election-influencing deep-fake technology amid growing concerns about AI-generated misinformation.

The Joint Appropriations Committee gathers at 10:15 a.m. to set budgets for the Attorney General and Department of Veterans Affairs.

Both chambers convene floor sessions at 2 p.m. Senators will consider House-amended SB 62, establishing reporting requirements for government misconduct. House members face multiple decisions, including SB 6, transferring funds for Ellsworth Air Force Base expansion impacts.

The legislative day stretches into late afternoon with a 3 p.m. House State Affairs session. They will tackle SB 100, a measure limiting public college concealed weapons restrictions. At 3:15, the Senate Military Affairs will consider Jeremiah Schneider’s appointment as Veterans Affairs Secretary.

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