BROOKINGS, S.D. – South Dakota State University Plant Diagnostic Clinic is the only public diagnostic clinic for plant diseases in South Dakota and receives more than 1,500 samples each year.
Located in Berg Agricultural Hall on SDSU’s campus, the clinic provides fast and accurate diagnoses of field crop and horticultural crop diseases and occasionally serves as a point of contact in South Dakota for major agricultural biosecurity issues related to plant health.
Samples can be dropped off from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at room 203 in Berg Agricultural Hall. After hours, samples can be dropped at room 001 at the north entrance of the building.
Due to increasing supply costs, the clinic is raising prices for services and fees. In-state basic samples are now $25, and out-of-state are $35. Soybean cyst nematode testing is still free for in-state residents, and $35 for out-of-state residents.
This is the clinic’s first price increase since it opened in 2002. Madalyn Shires, assistant professor, SDSU Extension Plant Pathology Specialist and director of the plant clinic, said the cost of supplies has increased three to five times since the clinic began, necessitating the modest price increases.
“We have been working to keep prices low for stakeholders and are actively working to secure grants to subsidize some types of samples, however, increases are necessary,” Shires said. “We look forward to working with current and future customers and hope that they will continue to support us.”
For more information, visit