Cattle Group Celebrates Record-Setting 25th Anniversary Convention

DEADWOOD, S.D. – Nearly 500 predominantly cow/calf producers, cattle backgrounders, and feeders from over 25 states recently gathered to celebrate R-CALF USA’s 25th Anniversary Convention in Deadwood. Other attendees consisted of sheep producers, consumers, state and national legislators, industry representatives, and several thousand online viewers. The event also drew a record number of sponsorships and a sold-out trade show.

“It’s a real compliment to have so many travel from across the country to join us. A full crowd in a good cattle market year shows commitment to solving issues,” said R-CALF USA President Brett Kenzy. “It’s as much a reunion as a convention; it was an honor to recognize some of the founders of R-CALF USA and honor the past 25 years of work.”

R-CALF USA member Thad Montgomery, of Wirtz, Virginia, flew across the country to attend the event after he saw the speakers who were lined up. Montgomery said it’s time to be unafraid and praised R-CALF USA for diving straight in.

During the convention, 14 presentations discussed checkoff reform, antitrust, mandatory country of origin labeling, market competition, private property rights, fair trade, and defending against the globalized effort to control the food supply and the independent farmers and ranchers who produce it.

“There’s a growing awareness of the global attacks on energy and food production, and it’s clear that the American people are ready to push back,” said Kenzy.

Award-winning, investigative journalist Lara Logan gave the keynote address. Other speakers included international journalist Alex Newman, Coalition for a Prosperous America Trade Counsel Charles Benoit, direct-to-consumer marketing specialist Mike Parker, Wyoming rancher and attorney Tracy Hunt, Lonesome Lands journalist Jim Mundorf, and Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment Policy Advisor Patty Lovera.

The event welcomed presentations from U.S. Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY), Department of Agriculture Senior Advisor for Fair and Competitive Markets Andy Green, USDA Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux, and Department of Justice Antitrust Division Assistant Attorney General Michael Kades.

From their presentations, Kenzy noted the DOJ’s commitment to antitrust enforcement, USDA’s action implementing the Packers and Stockyards Act, and Congress’ willingness to challenge USDA first on Paraguayan imports and then again on mandatory electronic identification.

The event also included a sheep industry panel, a membership breakfast that featured the R-CALF USA CEO and Committee Chair reports, and updates on R-CALF USA’s antitrust lawsuit from Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law partner Patrick McGahan and its checkoff lawsuit from Managing Director of Litigation at FarmSTAND David Muraskin.

All convention presentations are available on the R-CALF USA YouTube channel here.

Award recipients included Chester Brandt (Legacy Award), Dave Hyde (Top Hand Award), Jenner Equipment Company (Legacy Business Award), John Espil (Ride for the Brand Award), Tracy Hunt (Sentinel Award), Southern Colorado Livestock Association (Oak Legacy Award), Jim Mundorf (Journalist of the Year Award), Shad Sullivan (Outrider Award), Theresa Fox (Top Membership Recruiter Award), U.S. Rep. Harriet Hageman (Legislator of the Year Award), and Vince Hulinsky (Johnny Smith Legacy Award).

Lead Rider Award recipients included Platte Livestock Market, Platte, S.D.; Buffalo Livestock Market, Buffalo, Wyo.; Creighton Livestock Market, Creighton, Neb.; Winner Livestock Auction, Winner, S.D.; Tri-County Stockyards, Motley, Minn.; Atkinson Livestock Market, Atkinson, Neb.; Belle Fourche Livestock Market, Belle Fourche, S.D.; and Fort Pierre Livestock Auction Inc., Ft. Pierre, S.D.

R-CALF USA will host its 2025 Annual Convention and Trade Show in Deadwood from June 18–20, 2025, at the Lodge at Deadwood.

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