Illinois Tops U.S. Soybean Production in 2023

The National Agricultural Statistics Service estimates Illinois soybean farmers raised a U.S.-leading 648.9 million bushels on 10.3 million acres. Compared to the previous year, total acreage and yield estimates were both four percent lower in Illinois. Average soybean yields remained the same in 2023 at 63 bushels an acre.

“I’d like to congratulate my fellow farmers on another successful growing season,” says Ron Kindred, Illinois Soybean Association Chair. “Illinois farmers made smart management decisions to maintain average soybean yields statewide.” Kindred also says part of the success can be attributed to the efforts of the Illinois Soybean Association. “For 60 years and counting, ISA has invested in production research, education, advocacy, and market development efforts to afford all Illinois soybean farmers success even in the face of many challenges,” he says.

As the Illinois Soybean Association turns 60, Kindred says communicating the checkoff’s benefits is key to staying ahead of challenges.

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