July Four-Wheel Drive Tractor Sales Increase

U.S. sales of four-wheel-drive tractors increased 18.6 percent in July compared to the year before and are up 5.2 percent year to date. That’s according to new data from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.

Total sales of ag tractors dropped 14 percent in July compared to 2023 and are down 12 percent year-to-date. Combine sales dipped 19 percent in July compared to 2023 and are 17.6 percent lower so far this year. “July’s uptick in four-wheel-drive tractors is a bright spot after slow sales in June and May,” says AEM Senior Vice President Curt Blades. “We’re still seeing softness across the subcompact tractor market after years of strong sales.”

In Canada, July sales of four-wheel-drive tractors increased 88 percent compared to last year and are up 17 percent in 2024. Overall, Canadian ag tractor sales dropped 13 percent in July compared to last year and are 15 percent lower year-to-date.

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