RAPID CITY, S.D. – The South Dakota Army National Guard Construction and Facilities Management Office (CFMO) was again recognized for their continued environmental and sustainment efforts, as well as their project execution and management. The CFMO was presented three awards for their fiscal year 2023 achievements at a ceremony on March 26.
“These awards really showcase the efforts of the SDARNG to be stewards of our environment in all we do because it’s our culture, our mission, and it’s for our community,” said Maj. William Domagall, SDARNG Environmental Program manager.
The SDARNG CFMO was the recipient of:
The Environmental Stewardship Award is presented to the state or territory with the highest overall score of all the states and territories within the four environmental sections of G-9: Cleanup, Conservation, Technological Innovation, and the Planning division to include the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) score and a military construction (MILCON) score. The SDARNG CFMO received a perfect score in energy management and was a leader in the nation in waste diversion program.
Environmental Quality Team, 3rd place, was presented to the environmental team based on their management of environmental programs within their state. South Dakota highlights include the completion and improvement of spill containment plans, Energy Resiliency Conservation Investment Program (ERCIP) construction project submittals for energy conservation and the ability to garner statewide support from the entire SDNG into the environmental programs.
And as the Region 6 Fred Aron Award winner. The regional awards are given to the highest performing state in each of the seven regions in eight areas selected by the Branches, the Division Chiefs, and the G-9 Chief. The accuracy, effectiveness and timeliness of submissions are considered for many of these scores. For others, prudent execution of federal funding in program execution is considered. Scores are reported by the subject-matter experts across the Division based on performance.
“Your work speaks for itself, and the kind of culture that has developed over many years in this organization is worth cultivating,” said Maj. Gen. (S.D.) Mark Morrell, SDNG Adjutant General, “It is worth continuing to work on. Who we are matters.”